Customer Testimonials

Here's what a few of our customers have to say about the results they achieved with Lakeshore Logistics.

"Your analytical ability has provided John Crane, Inc., with measurable results to allow us not only to interact during contract negotiations on a timely basis but also give us the necessary data results to affect a positive outcome on those negotiations."
Al Gleba, Manager, Transportation & Logistics, John Crane Inc.
"Freight bills are a significant part of our members' P&L...and we see an opportunity for our members to reduce their cost by as much as 20% through the Lakeshore Logistics, Inc. program. These savings are substantial when you consider freight makes up 7 to 10% of your costs."
Jim Niekamp, Vice President of Business Services, NASBA
"They help us to analyze shipping performance and identify potential savings opportunities, and are an excellent source of historical data. This information has broad application and is used for problem resolution, identification of trends and general transportation analysis. For all intents and purposes, they are a part of our company when it comes to transportation management."
Daniel Speck, Director of Distribution, Kichler Lighting, Inc.

Contact us for a trusted, tested and ready-to-go resource.

Competitive Advantage Straight Ahead

We're a Supply Chain Management Company based in Cleveland, Ohio. Businesses of all sizes turn to us for solutions to better manage their distribution process and costs.